Available Training

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Practical Advice for the Federal Manager

A one-half day session designed to assist managers in responding to employees’ questions about the FLSA and in planning work assignments.  The session briefly touches on which positions are covered by and which are exempt from coverage by the FLSA.  More time is spent on when hours qualify as overtime under the FLSA especially time spent traveling, and work time that is suffered or permitted.  The rate at which FLSA overtime pay is paid is discussed.  Finally, it goes over where and when an employee can file a claim if she or he believes additional FLSA overtime pay is due.


Length                         Cost

½ day                          $500


Optimum Class Size

20-25 participants


Topics Covered:

FLSA Practical Advice For
The Federal Manager

1/2 Day

• Why Study the FLSA?

o Impact on fiscal resources
o Impact on management responsibility
o Complexity of application

• Who is Covered by the FLSA

o Geographic coverage and the Foreign Exemption
o Employee coverage
o Salary based coverage
o Exemption from coverage

 Executive Exemption Criteria
 Administrative Exemption Criteria
 Professional Exemption Criteria including learned professionals, creative professionals and computer employees

o Temporary duty and coverage

• What Hours Count Toward FLSA Overtime?

o On-Duty Time
o Suffered or Permitted Time
o Other Time including waiting or idle time, pre- and post-shift activities, travel, training, off-duty time, call-back time and sleep and meal time

• When Do Employees Get Overtime Under FLSA?

o Overtime for Nonexempt employees
o Coverage by more than one overtime law
o Other FLSA provisions
o Payment for overtime under FLSA
o Compensatory time off

• How Do I Manager Risk Under FLSA?

• Where is an FLSA Claim Filed?

o Where to file a claim
o Issues that may give rise to an FLSA claim
o Filing an FLSA claim with OPM